Monday, 14 December 2009

Aha, I have a new graphics tablet!

Well, new is debateable - it's actually second hand and the nib on the pen is getting a bit worn. However, it's still amazing. Also, incredibly useful. Particularly if you wish to do things such as animation. Here it is in all it's glory:

By the way, as I'm guessing I'll have to do some explanation into what a graphics tablet is:

A graphics tablet device plugged into a computer that means you can hand-draw images and put them onto the computer... Kind of like drawing with a pencil and paper but it appears on the screen. It's difficult to use but is easier than drawing with the mouse and very helpful for making animations with - especially when I get the supposedly amazing software I am currently downloading.

Aha, this is going to take some getting used to - however, it is simply beautiful in itself. I bet I can make some remarkable things here...


Dominic Rivron said...

Are you going to post something you've created with it? It will be interesting to see what it can do.

Eclipse said...

Yes I will, however for the moment I'm just getting the idea of how to draw with it - it's easier than I thought but still feels slightly strange...

Perhaps I'll post some of the drawings I've done...

The Weaver of Grass said...

I await your first drawing with bated breath!